
When you hear the word “skill”—what pops up in your mind? (this is a very personal one)


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Today at a Glance

This week, I invite you to reflect on your current skills and consider skills on a broader scale.

We are often so busy with our commitments and duties that we neglect to take the time to build new skills or strengthen existing ones.

I hope that today’s newsletter can provide you with some inspiration for your next learning endeavor. 👌

Let’s dive in…

Most people think of “skills” as

  • the abilities gained in a specific domain in business,
  • craftsman or artisans and their hand work,
  • an athlete and what’s needed in order to excel in a specific discipline.

Also, artists and inventors are at the top of our minds when we think about skills.

Personally, I used to think of work.

And all I needed to get a little better at what I did every day.

The start of the Covid pandemic in early 2020 made me realize that I had attached my identity to the work I was doing.

During one of the long days I spent alone in my one-room apartment, while we were stuck (not only physically), I realized that something needed to change.

It was March 2020. Markus and I were supposed to be traveling in Vietnam for two weeks.

And when the world stopped, I decided to start.

I spent two full weeks in learning mode while on a “holiday” in my studio in Munich. I learned about

  • “how to learn”,
  • finance,
  • life design, and
  • how to win friends and influence people.

Four books in two weeks. Plus countless YouTube videos and podcasts.

And I wrote a lot.

Above all, I changed my perspective on “skills”.

I started to meditate. That was the hardest thing to do. Especially during those days filled with bad news, fear, and sadness about what was going on.

I finally opened my mind to what Markus was trying to tell me for years.

I started to develop those skills that now are my daily bread for more energy.

Those last few years I’ve learned

  • how to train without needing a gym.
  • how I approach my physical imbalances (and work on them every day). Especially on those days when it feels impossible and I get really frustrated from pain and discomfort.
  • how I free my mind when I feel stressed and overwhelmed.
  • how I can change my constant addiction to being “productive”.

Strength and mindfulness are two skills that I used to completely undervalue. But I realize how functional and important they are in creating a life you don’t need a vacation from.

In being strong and resilient, working on yourself, and doing the best you can—without that freaking “urgency” of needing to have it “perfect”—we can truly thrive.


Tell me about you,
which skill would you like to develop in let’s say the next 3 months?

What’s going on in our world

We are working on a super cool project in cooperation with a time & performance manager.

She’s helping us to work better at our business ideas and we decided to share a piece of what we are learning through a 9-days challenge.

We’ll share more about it next Saturday.

In the meantime, stay fit, stay active, and enjoy your life.

Ketty & Markus

P.S. For the readers, we created an ultimate guide for more energy (high value for 0$)—Personal Energy Management 101. Read it here.

P.P.S. For the watchers, we revived our YouTube channel. Check it out here and subscribe. We’re just getting started.

Some more ways we can help you

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Ultimate Posture Guide

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1-on-1 Coaching

Upright with ease
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Create alignment to confidently sit and walk upright without back pain.

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Unleash your full potential and experience optimal performance & well-being.

Shed 10-15 lbs 
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